Re: [Frameworks] Experimental Trailers

From: Dinorah de Jesús Rodriguez (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Feb 15 2011 - 06:06:58 PST

some years ago Luis Gispert created a series of "Trailers for Films that Will Never Be Made" which were aired at regular commercial movie theatres and mimicked regular movie trailers, featuring lots of punching, pulling of guns, and guys rolling over cars. They were a riot.

enjoy today...

Dinorah de Jesús Rodríguez
Multimedia Artist

On Feb 15, 2011, at 7:34 AM, graeme hogg wrote:

> Do people know of any examples of experimental trailers, ie trailers
> for experimental films. Trailers are typically a marketing tool used
> to help pre-sell commercial features, I know but they are a 'form'
> nevertheless and I wondered if anyone had explored them on this basis?
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