Re: [Frameworks] Experimental Trailers

From: T. Siddle (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Feb 15 2011 - 09:24:14 PST

Francesco Vezzoli "Caligula" (2005) - an extended trailer for a fictional
re-make of "Caligula"
Danny Plotnick also has a few pieces that are trailers.

Tessa Siddle

On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 4:34 AM, graeme hogg <email suppressed>wrote:

> Do people know of any examples of experimental trailers, ie trailers
> for experimental films. Trailers are typically a marketing tool used
> to help pre-sell commercial features, I know but they are a 'form'
> nevertheless and I wondered if anyone had explored them on this basis?
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