Re: [Frameworks] Owen Land (aka George Landow) (1944-2011)

From: Sandra Maliga <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2011 08:17:10 -0700


  Thanks for your remarks.

-- Sandy

On Jul 13, 2011, at 11:26 PM, Fred Camper wrote:

> Quoting Mark Toscano <>:
>> And i should say that, although Mark Webber did an amazing job
>> unearthing, working with, writing on, and curating Owen's work, the
>> preservation of the films was done separately by the Austrian
>> Filmmuseum, Anthology Film Archives, and Pacific Film Archive.
> Did those archives initiate the preservation work? Did they pay for
> it?
>> By the way, Sandy Maliga posted a notice over a week ago about
>> Owen's passing, and it got no response. Just curious if others on
>> the list received that or somehow not...?
> I saw it, but was waiting for more detail; the gallery announcement
> gave me something to respond to.
> Yet another typo in my post: I meant "original palindromes." Maybe I
> should post a corrected version...
> Fred Camper
> Chicago
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Received on Thu Jul 14 2011 - 08:17:39 CDT