Re: [Frameworks] this guy's youtube channel/ a different attitude towards time and attentiveness

From: gregg biermann <>
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2011 10:55:47 -0400

True enough Myron.

On 7/16/2011 11:58 AM, Myron Ort wrote:
> That is unless grandpa didn't like the movie and its story, had other
> distracting things on his mind, was more interested in his popcorn
> and hot dog, annoyed by being poked by the feet in the seat behind
> him, distracted by some rude people talking .... all that to say a
> person brings focus, attention, and concentration with him ....
> Myron Ort
> On Jul 16, 2011, at 7:18 AM, gregg biermann wrote:
>> Fred,
>> I agree. If you think about the metaphor of Windows itself -- the
>> implication is that your attention is, practically by default, split
>> between multiple processes and events happening simultaneously on
>> screen. This is an order of magnitude beyond what is implied by a
>> television remote when that might have been compared with the singular
>> focus of the experience grandpa remembers of a movie theater.
>> Gregg
>> On 7/15/2011 8:56 PM, Fred Camper wrote:
>>> Quoting Tony Conrad<>:
>>>> On Fri 07/15/11 4:36 PM , Chuck Kleinhans
>>>> sent:
>>>> ... Bleu Shut loses 3/4ths of its viewers after the
>>>>> first quarter; Flaming Creatures only has 1/10 of its initial
>>>>> viewers for
>>>>> the last part....
>>>> "one in ten"? Some great films are real people sorters.
>>> I think what's involved here and with "Blue Shut" is, in part,
>>> something like what I was arguing before: a different attitude toward
>>> time and attentiveness fostered by the Web, youtube, Facebook,
>>> twitter, texting, and so on. Anyone who has watched a thirty or forty
>>> minute film on youtube by clicking to each new part knows you can do
>>> it, but it feels somehow weird and "inappropriate" to the medium too.
>>> None of this is good for the viewing of the great avant-garde films.
>>> On the other hand, it could lead to very different great new
>>> things, I
>>> suppose...
>>> Fred Camper
>>> Chicago
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