Re: [Frameworks] 16 and/or Super 8 viewers?

From: David Tetzlaff <>
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2011 17:34:46 -0400

For Super 8 a Minette, and for 16mm a Moviscop. These are the 'standard' quality models - the 'Bolex's of the breed, if you will.

They don't scratch film (if you keep them clean). YOU might scratch the film while using them, but that's not the viewer's fault. The most important thing with moving film from one reel to another is to keep it wound tightly, and avoid cinching. That's what does the most scratch damege - layers of film rubbing against one another with foreign matter in between...

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Received on Wed Oct 05 2011 - 14:35:15 CDT