Re: [Frameworks] Beaulieu 4008 zm4

From: Serge Levchin <>
Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 13:32:42 -0400

This has probably been mentioned on the list many times: Du-All
Camera<>in New York services Beaulieu
super8 cameras and builds custom battery packs
for them. They're rather expensive, but they do good work.


On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 1:27 PM, Fred Camper <> wrote:

> It's a great camera, and different from most others. Nothing can beat
> its single lens reflex viewing for some uses. It has great speed
> controls (2 fps to 80 fps; I've used all of them), handles really well
> (though a bit unbalanced due to the zoom). The zoom it comes with is
> very good, but can vignette corners at some f stops and focal lengths.
> It has a C mount, which means you can use many other lenses, something
> most super-8s don't offer. I've used lenses made for 16mm, such as the
> 12-120 Angenieux zoom, for example. I think there was a fisheye made
> just for super-8, but I've never seen it. One small downside is that
> the shutter angle is narrow, a lot less than 180 degrees, so it's not
> great in low light; a cheaper XL camera is a good supplement. The main
> downside today might be getting and keeping a working battery; see a
> recent FrameWorks thread about that. Also, I don't know about getting
> the camera itself repaired today. Make sure it's in good working order
> first.
> Fred Camper
> Chicago
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Received on Wed May 18 2011 - 10:32:53 CDT