Re: [Frameworks] Research into Experimental Film and Video

From: <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 08:39:36 +0100

A revised and updated edition of Al Rees' book is due out later this year. I would also recommend Rudolph Arnheim's Film as Art, which beautifully and simply sets out some key features of what film is and how it works. Malcolm LeGrice's Experimental Cinema in the Digital Age is an excellent collection of his writings, covering a large range of topics. I would also like to plug a new journal, Sequence, whose first issue was published by, in London, and a second issue of which is due out later this year. Regarding Blow Job, which was mentioned in a previous post, Peter Gidal's monograph, published by Afterall in their "One Work" series, is excellent, as is the volume on (nostalgia) by Rachel Moore.

Nicky Hamlyn.
On 20 Jul 2011, at 07:19, Todd Eacrett wrote:

> Oh, and for something more contemporary, irreverent and non-canonical, the fine Incite! Journal of Experimental Media
> & Radical Aesthetics should be required reading.
> I, for one, am always a sucker for the poetic, over the historical, and thus strongly endorse these slender yet sublime manifestos:
> Devotional Cinema by Nathaniel Dorsky
> Making Light of It by James Broughton
> and two eminently readable books which blend the poetic with the theoretical:
> Sculpting in Time: Reflections on Cinema by Andrey Tarkovsky
> The Tactile Eye: Touch and the Cinematic Experience by Jennifer M. Barker (my personal favorite)
> Ken
> (Academic)
> (Public)
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