Re: [Frameworks] Facebook could be the death of this list

From: Jim Flannery <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 16:39:30 -0700

Monday, June 13, 2011, 4:00:32 PM, one wrote:

> my two cents - I just wish there was a way to get daily updates of
> frameworks instead of receiving every single email.

It's called "Digest mode". There's a link to the form where you edit
that option at the bottom of every email you receive (repeated here for


I should be clear about my own position: my previous mails were in
response to the idea of sharing *work* on FB. I am indifferent to the
concept of having a FB *page* to "Like" (I wonder how liking it would
affect the ads my "friends" see, but I use Adblock so it doesn't really
concern me). I think it's a lousy idea for a replacement for the
listserv based on experience: a listserv I was on that was active
(equally or more than the current state of Frameworks) for 18 years
transitioned to FB last year; that "group" has had six posts since that

The "death" of a web discussion forum that this subthread's subject line
refers to is not, I think, a matter of that forum _per se_ migrating, as
that the logging-in reflex of its members has been diverted; for FB or
any other forum *you have to go there*; an listserv *comes to you*, so
is less likely to have FB take away eyeballs (assuming you open your
email program). The threat is that it *can* take away *posts*, that when
somebody wants to say something, they originate the discussion on FB
instead of the list.

Limitations on message length (both programmatically-enforced and
cultural) also tend to add a level of dumbing-down of message; the quip
replaces the argument.

 Jim Flannery
FrameWorks mailing list
Received on Mon Jun 13 2011 - 16:40:09 CDT