Re: [Frameworks] Facebook could be the death of this list

From: Monica Angrand <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 16:02:23 -0700


On Jun 13, 2011, at 3:55 PM, Seth Fragomen wrote:

> Couldn't both facebook AND the conventional email list be used? The
> current setup may be discouraging people who can't keep up with the
> onslaught of postings from participating more actively. Maybe the
> combination of fb and the listserv is a sensible compromise? Could
> there be a way to make every post appear both places?
> On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 4:24 PM, k. a.r. <> wrote:
> Hi there. I think that a facebook, frameworks connnection is a bad
> thing.
> My experience:
> I participate in a different online forum that is a web page, and
> you have to have a login
> to see the discussions.
> People there can start a topic, and anyone with a login can comment
> on that topic.
> This forum had been a busy, interactive forum, with people from all
> over the continent participating,
> until the last year/year and a half.
> The traffic on that forum has slowed down so much, that days pass w/
> o any new posts.
> Very odd.
> When it was addressed on the forum about the forum slowing down,
> everyone's answer was "facebook."
> The other participants said that so many people are using facebook
> to just connect with who they want,
> that they don't need the forum anymore.
> Which is pretty sad, it was a great resource.
> If you only want to connect with people you already know, you never
> get to meet anyone new!
> ANYWAY, in the context of that, I don't think that Frameworks should
> start up on Facebook.
> Participation in FB would totally change the aesthetic of Frameworks.
> It would probably dilute the subject matter, and like someone else
> said, people would start posting
> pics of their dogs, and new would not be only
> experimental film anymore.
> And that would be sad.
> With the amount of filmmaking resources diminishing so rapidly, do
> we really want to voluntarily do that ourselves?
> Take away from ourselves one of the great resources still left to
> experimental filmmakers?
> Kristie Reinders, B.F.A.
> Director of Cinematography, Electric Visions
> Curator and Head Projectionist, Electric Mural Project
> The Mission, San Francisco, CA
> 'A first class technician should work best under pressure.'
> - - - Issac Asimov
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Received on Mon Jun 13 2011 - 16:02:34 CDT