Re: [Frameworks] copying vinyl

From: Jorge Amaro <>
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2011 04:40:31 +0100

The easiest way is probably just to buy a turntable with a USB
connection, they already come with the necessary software for audio
ripping and its basically plug and play. Not endorsing piracy here,
but have you tried looking through google on the albums you want to
rip? Maybe someone else as already rip them and put them online.

On 8 July 2011 03:24, Jonathan Capone <> wrote:
> Hi Gene,
>    Here is the long version of ripping vinyl with audacity. I've attached it
> as a pdf because it is very thorough and includes images. Also, I didn't
> write this, and I'm not sure what torrent site I found it on or who wrote
> to.
> Jonathan Capone
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