Re: [Frameworks] Facebook

From: rachelle <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 17:52:41 -0400

I think its relevant to note that the co-founder of Facebook, Chris
Hughes, was an attendee of Bilderberg this year.

On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 5:40 PM, matt's frameworks address
<> wrote:
> I am definitely not advocating for a switch to Facebook, but my own personal
> feeling is that Frameworks is far more cumbersome to work with than many
> other forms of internet communication, and therefore i interact with it far
> less frequently than I do with other forums.  It also appears to me that
> overall participation in Frameworks is down substantially from where it was
> 10 years ago or so- I don't have any factual information to go by but I
> wonder what the subscription/use rate is these days and how it compares to
> years past.  I think Frameworks is an amazing resource, but could be even
> better if the platform it operated on was updated.  in terms of design and
> usability, I am talking something along the lines of the Urban Honking chat
> room:
> That said, I know Frameworks is a labor of love and I tip my hat to everyone
> who has worked to make it possible- it is not my intention to sound like I
> am complaining.
> -matt
> On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 1:11 PM, k. a.r. <> wrote:
>> Dear Matt, you wrote:
>> "Listserves are clunky and hard to navigate- in this thread alone I must
>> have seen the original post re-replied to 8 or 9 times and understanding who
>> is responding to who is next to impossible.
>> "
>> People generally reply to the thread.  It's a reply that becomes part of
>> the discussion being had by all.
>> When you open each email, you will generally see who they are replying to,
>> and I'm curious as to why you only want to
>> read certain responses, and not the whole conversation.
>> Also, if people really want to reply specifically to one person and not
>> necessarily to the thread, they can send that person a private message,
>> (which you wouldn't know about) or they can change the subject line to
>> address who specifically they want to address.
>> Although the listserv is now ancient internet technology, I like it.  All
>> the Frameworks messages end up in 1 folder, in chronological order, and I
>> can
>> pick and choose what to read.
>> I think the Frameworks/facebook idea is not a good one.....
>> Kristie Reinders, B.F.A.
>> Director of Cinematography, Electric Visions
>> Curator and Head Projectionist, Electric Mural Project
>> The Mission, San Francisco, CA
>> 'A first class technician should work best under pressure.'
>> - - - Issac Asimov
>> ________________________________
>> Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 10:30:05 -0700
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Facebook
>> While I don't think Facebook is necessarily the answer, I do feel the
>> current email listserve is so outdated that it is a determent to both the
>> discussions and overall health of Frameworks.  Listserves are clunky and
>> hard to navigate- in this thread alone I must have seen the original post
>> re-replied to 8 or 9 times and understanding who is responding to who is
>> next to impossible.
>> there are great 'discussion forum' templates out there these days such as
>> Vanilla that would make discussions easier and content more searchable.
>> this would require a server and a domain and some set-up and technical
>> oversight, but once up and running would be far superior to the current
>> listserve.  I often thought of trying to start up such a forum, but then am
>> painfully reminded that I don't know the first thing about web design.
>> -Matt
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Received on Mon Jun 13 2011 - 14:52:49 CDT