Re: [Frameworks] MFA experimental/alternative programs

From: David Tetzlaff <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2011 17:40:49 -0400

> i am also very interested in newer hybrid programs, that have roots
> in experimental film but are also incorporating other fields

No one has yet mentioned 'EMAC' - Electronic Media Arts and Communication at RPI, where Kathy High, Branda Miller and Igor Vamos (aka Mike Bonano of The Yes Men) are on the faculty, among others.

We should probably be focusing more on people who were students at these places, though, rather than illustrious faculty. I know some very good people have gone through Tony's program at Buffalo over the years... The one time I visited RPI, the grad students there seemed very involved and engaged... The way you really find out what's what with an academic program is by talking to students. As such, the endorsements from alums that have appeared in this thread are quite meaningful.

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Received on Mon Jun 20 2011 - 14:41:16 CDT