[Frameworks] LaborBerlin presents DIFFRAKTION

From: Janine Jembere (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Feb 14 2011 - 05:54:41 PST

*We cordially invite you to
* : LaborBerlin at Stattbad Wedding.

*15. - 19. February 2011 // Berlin // Germany

*LaborBerlin is celebrating analogue, handprocessed films for 5 days with an
exhibition, screening and liveperformances!*
*exhibition with filminstallations 15.02. // 18Uhr vernissage, open
Wednesday until Friday 2-7 pm
*filmscreening 18.02. // 8 pm // 2€*
*audiovisual performances + party 19.02. // 8 pm // 4€*

*Within the scope of the exhibition we present Super 8 and 16mm
filminstallations of:*
Clara Bausch // Guillaume Cailleau // Melissa Dullius & Gustavo Jahn // Juan
David Gonzales Monroy // Mark André Pennock // Irène Revolte und Leïla

*Friday nights 2 hour filmprogramme features works of:*
Nike Arnold // Hanna Bergfors & Kornelia Kugler // Cedric Gaul-Berrard
(L'Abominable / Paris) // (LabA / Athen) // Lucile Desamory // Anja
Dornieden // Mat Fleming & Deborah Bower (Film Bee / Newcastle) // Arnaud
Gerber // Constantin Hartenstein // Clemens Kowalski // Karsten Krause //
Benjamin Krieg // Max Linz // Juan David Gonzales Monroy und Sophie

*Saturday we celebrate the finale with performances in the swimmingpool of
Stattbad Wedding:*
 a_cis & pom piet (Diapositiv & Musik) // Nike Arnold, Clara Bausch, Mikko
Gaestel, Sara Lehn, Greg McLaren, Linn Löffer (16mm mit Live-Vertonung) //
Juan David Gonzales Monroy (16mm & Diapositiv) und Sylwek Luczak
(Diapositiv, Musik & Super 8)

*Starting midnight: the finest party of the year *with music played by:
Fräulein Schein // DJ Télépathe // Hubertus Bronko // Bill Robin // and
others. Visuals by Beatpix and Distruktur.


LaborBerlin e.V is a nonprofit, independent film collective, open to every
individual interested in artist-run initiatives and especially in analogue
film practice, which embraces a more experimental and D.I.Y., craft approach
to film production. The Lab is a meeting point of exchange and engagement of
ideas and experiences around filmic creation.

The works featured at
DIFFRAKTION<http://laborberlin.wordpress.com/diffraktion/>are from
members and friends of the lab, as well as from associated
filmlaboratories in Athens, Paris and Newcastle.

Be there!

Address : LaborBerlin e.V. Gerichtstrasse 65, 13347 Berlin, S-Bahn Wedding /
S-Bahn Humboldthain
Contact : email suppressed

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