Re: [Frameworks] Drama films and the Avant-Garde

From: Jorge Lorenzo Flores Garza (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Jan 25 2011 - 05:24:41 PST

Inception doesn't use the physical techniques of avant-garde but the structure is certainly a Maya Deren rip off.

From: email suppressed
To: email suppressed
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 22:26:48 +1100
CC: email suppressed
Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Drama films and the Avant-Garde

Stefan's second feature film Nude Study would be perfect, it screened at London Underground Film Festival.
David Fincher in most films surely.
Gummo and Trash Humpers by harmony korine.

Sent from my iPhone
On 25/01/2011, at 10:14 PM, Shane Lyons <email suppressed> wrote:

Rosebery 7470 by Stefan Popescu, who also runs the Sydney Underground Film Festival.

This isn't very mainstream, but it's a narrative feature. (I also haven't seen it, so I can't vouch for it's quality or how much the a-g techniques are used.)

On 25 January 2011 21:17, alrees <email suppressed> wrote:

Dear Frameworkers,

Can anyone suggest any drama/fiction/narrative films, from the last ten

years or so, that include 'avant-garde' sequences, references, tricks and

tropes? I'm looking for examples from both mainstream and arthouse

contemporary cinema movies that have avant-garde devices of any kind -

flicker, camerawork, blur, rapid cuts, flare-out, anything like that. All

suggestions will be gratefully received!

Al Rees

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