Re: [Frameworks] Car Crashes in Experimental Film

From: Jorge Lorenzo Flores Garza (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Jan 06 2011 - 15:14:27 PST

Amores Perros? No, no, it's an interesting narrative, but nothing experimental.

Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2011 15:40:11 -0700
From: email suppressed
To: email suppressed
Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Car Crashes in Experimental Film

it's not????
oops i thought it was ;)

On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 12:15 PM, Jorge Lorenzo Flores Garza <email suppressed> wrote:

But maybe I can recommend Amores Perros by Alejandro González Iñarritu. It's not experimental at all,

Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2010 12:03:09 -0700
From: email suppressed

To: email suppressed
Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Car Crashes in Experimental Film

oh. my. god.

On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 11:39 AM, Amanda Christie <email suppressed> wrote:

I just wanted to write a quick note to say thanks so much to everyone who recommended car crash films and videos to see! Super helpful!
And thanks too to Kristie for your kind concern not wanting me to be influenced by others. I appreciate the sentiment. But not to worry though, I'm far enough along in my project that it's too late to make major changes... it's well underway... I've got the local fire department involved, two cars to wreck, I'm putting my own body in the piece (it's a performative work), and I have a paramedic involved and lots of safety precautions, wild animals, the local zoo/game farm is involved.... it's a pretty complex undertaking and with all of these logistics, I'm not going to be changing the film itself based on other films... not at all... too many logistics already in place... but because I am performing... since I am the broken body in the car... I want to see as many portrayals of this as possible.... i want to really feel the whole weight and severity of what I am dealing with.... I don't want to be flippant with the project, but I also don't want to be melodramatic... so I've been watching everything from youtube videos of actual car crashes shot on people's cell phones, to quirky silly music videos about crashes, to anti-drinking driving commercials, to narrative films. The storyboard and the script and the logistics of my film are set... but before I hang my body upside down in that wrecked car, I want to prepare myself psychologically and emotionally for what I am engaging with. I want to go into that with my eyes open, rather than naive. Is that the right approach or the wrong one? Who knows. I don't think there is a right or a wrong approach... this is what feels natural and right for me right now, so I'm going with it... as I work out the logistics for my own film, all I am thinking about is accidents and crash scenes... so when I take a break from my film, I just want to see other examples of other people's films... I find it fascinating and exciting right now.... is that a bad thing? perhaps so, perhaps not. either way... something will happen.

Anyhow, once again, thanks so much everyone for the helpful suggestions!
And happy new calendar to you all!


Amanda Dawn Christie--------------------------------Master of Fine

email suppressed

On 23-Dec-10, at 6:43 PM, k. a.r. wrote:

Amanda, you should just make your film without seeing those other films. It will influence the purity of your art.
Just make it, who cares what the other have done????

Kristie Reinders, B.F.A.
Director of Cinematography, Electric Visions
Curator and Head Projectionist, Electric Mural Project
The Mission, San Francisco, CA

'A first class technician should work best under pressure.'
- - - Issac Asimov

Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2010 16:08:11 -0500
From: email suppressed

To: email suppressed
Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Car Crashes in Experimental Film

Don't forget Ant Farm's "Media Burn": crashing a Cadillac into a wall of flaming television sets.

If motorcycle crashes count, there's one as the climax of Kenneth Anger's "Scorpio Rising."
Andy Ditzler

On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 9:48 AM, Amanda Christie <email suppressed> wrote:

Hello all,

I'm looking for examples of experimental films that involve car crashes.

I'm shooting a new film next month... 35mm with a car crash... and
while my storyboards and conceptual theories (as well as crazy
technical logistics) are mostly all worked out by now, I'd still like
to make sure that I have a strong understanding of the historical

trajectory of these sorts of films... the greater context and all that.

I'm curious about other experimental films that have involved car
crashes. I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I'm sure

there must be plenty out there... During my research, I've found lots
and lots of crashes in mainstream movies, music videos, and actual
crashes caught on video phones on youtube... but nothing yet in the
experimental context. I'm curious to see what else is out there

before I go to camera.

Thanks so much in advance, and i hope everyone had a happy solstmas,
and is enjoying the winter!

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