Witness to Love: Salloum and Ravett

From: Bernard Roddy (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Apr 02 2010 - 09:49:26 PDT

Witness to Love: Film and Video by Jayce Salloum and Abraham Ravett
Monday, April 5, 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Meacham Auditorium in the Student Union
University of Oklahoma

I was talking on the phone to Jayce Salloum about coming to OU to show work when he mentioned that someone was drawing on Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben's reflections on the witness to discuss some of his video. This brought to mind Salloum's video, untitled part 1: everything and nothing (2002), an interview with Soha Bechara, an ex-Lebanese National Resistance figher who has recently been released from an Israeli detention center. Then it occured to me that in his book on avant-garde film, Shadows, Specters, Shards, Jeffrey Skoller also makes reference to Agamben's thought on the witness to discuss Abraham Ravett's film, The March, in which Ravett attempts to draw out his mother's experience during the Shoah. Side by side, these two works of experimental non-fiction, one in video and one in film, bring together two of the most accomplished artists working today in experimental media. Salloum and Ravett will each present work in person during
 the same event Monday evening.

Bernie Roddy
School of Art and Art History
University of Oklahoma

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.