Re: hypermedia

From: Patrick Friel (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Mar 31 2010 - 09:07:24 PDT

They are not interactive, but Tag Gallagheršs illustrated film essays are
quite remarkable (the few Išve seen). They are hard to come by, but a couple
are on some of the Criterion Rossellini DVDs.

I donšt have the links, but J. Fred MacDonald has a couple of his books that
hešs put online for free that include stills and clips. I think they are
television histories. Can probably find by Googling him or inquiring on the
Association of Moving Image Archivists listserve.

Patrick Friel

On 3/31/10 10:51 AM, "Jonathan Walley" <email suppressed> wrote:

> Gene,
> I'm sure there are several sites that do something like this, but I know of
> one specifically: David Bordwell's website on cinema
> ( A lot of Frameworkers probably already know
> of this site, though Bordwell doesn't talk very much about experimental film.
> David's blog, especially, provides numerous stills, and sometimes clips, to
> illustrate the points he's making - often about film style.
> As for the teaching arena, I think most professors probably make their own
> DVDs at this point. When I lecture, I have a DVD with numerous clips burned
> onto it, plus powerpoint slides that provide stills from said clips. My
> students often ask me where I "get" these materials, as if there's a clearing
> house for film professor visual aids somewhere out there.
> Though I teach "media" (personally I think of myself as a "film scholar"
> rather than a "media scholar"), I try not to allow my classes to get too
> bogged down in it. But being able to show/pause/repeat clips and show
> extracted stills from them (often with annotations in text) in class is
> incredibly helpful, especially when my emphasis is on formal structure and
> visual style - which it usually is.
> I've seen DVDs about various aspects of filmmaking advertised in film/video
> studies journals, and sometimes I get offers for these from the manufacturers.
> For instance:
> 5?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1270050381&sr=1-5
> I'm not sure if these are what you have in mind, nor can I speak to how good
> any of these are (the one I link to above looks pretty light to me). DVD
> commentary and special features are always a mixed bag...hit and miss.
> Sometimes it's just the director ruminating about the film, sometimes there
> are very helpful and in-depth special features. I'd love to know of a resource
> for information about the quality of DVD extras.
> Hope some of this is useful. Best,
> Jonathan
> Jonathan Walley
> Asst. Professor of Cinema
> Denison University
> email suppressed
> p.s. while looking up the above-cited amazon link, I was AMAZED to find this.
> Production teachers beware!
> 01LRAH40/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1270050366&sr=8-5
> On Mar 31, 2010, at 11:23 AM, Gene Youngblood wrote:
>> Frameworkers,
>> Is anyone aware of a film criticism (or film analysis) website where text is
>> augmented with links to clips that illustrate the text. You are reading an
>> online analysis of Potemkin. Click on the word "montage" and it shows you the
>> sequence that is being analyzed. You can repeat the clip, slow it down,
>> freeze it, zoom in on a detail.
>> Alternatively, are there DVDs that do this, either interactively or as a
>> fixed mode of analysis and explication? The professor is lecturing in a
>> classroom, or the critic is featured in a documentary, and their voices carry
>> over clips of what they're talking about, with the same possibilites of
>> repeat, slow, freeze and detail.
>> It would be nice, for example, if Criterion's Brakhage releases featured
>> someone like Fred Camper analyzing Stan's complex phrasings, rhymes, etc. in
>> this manner.
>> Gene Youngblood
>> 28 Sunrise Road
>> Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507 USA
>> vox/fax: +1.505.424.8708
>> email suppressed
>> __________________________________________________________________ For info
>> on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
> __________________________________________________________________ For info on
> FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.