Re: Written texts in experimental film

From: Shelly Silver (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Jan 18 2010 - 06:48:28 PST


On Jan 18, 2010, at 4:21 AM, Mark Toscano wrote:

> Glad someone mentioned Robert Nelson's Hauling Toto Big, fantastic
> to know that some people have seen that one - it hasn't gotten
> around very much, and I really think it's one of his masterworks.
> I also heartily second Deborah Stratman's From Hetty to Nancy, which
> is really excellent. And Joyce Wieland's work is well worth
> including.
> Some other stuff off the top of the head in no particular order:
> Boobs a Lot (Leonard Ellis)
> Now, You Can Do Anything (Fred Worden & Chris Langdon)
> Thin Premises (Chris Langdon)
> Picasso (Chris Langdon)
> World Trade Alphabet (Donna Cameron)
> NewsW (Donna Cameron)
> Gloria (Hollis Frampton)
> Future Perfect (Roberta Friedman & Grahame Weinbren)
> After Ten Minutes Lines (Roberta Friedman)
> Under the Sea (Paul Glabicki)
> 29: Merci Merci (Will Hindle)
> Finds of the Fortnight (Larry Jordan)
> Roswell (Bill Brown)
> Tank (Hans Michaud)
> 37-73 (Richard Myers)
> Floorshow (Richard Myers)
> Anemic Cinema (Marcel Duchamp)
> Three Colloquies on Media Art (Will Baker)
> The General Returns From One Place to Another (Michael Robinson)
> White Calligraphy (Takahiko Iimura)
> I Will Not Make Any More Boring Art (John Baldessari)
> Trypps #5 (Ben Russell)
> By Night With Torch and Spear (and various others) (Joseph Cornell)
> American Dreams (James Benning)
> Suite California Stops & Passes parts 1 and 2 (Robert Nelson)
> More (Robert Nelson)
> SpiritMatters (Peter Rose)
> Pressures of the Text (Peter Rose)
> Word Movie (Paul Sharits)
> Chronicles of a Lying Spirit by Kelly Gabron (Cauleen Smith)
> Miss Jesus Fries on Grill (Dorothy Wiley)
> anything by Lawrence Weiner
> How the Hell I Ripped Jack Goldstein's Painting in the Elevator
> (Fred Worden)
> Water & Power (Pat O'Neill)
> Projection Instructions (Morgan Fisher)
> What’s Wrong With This Picture part 2 (Owen Land)
> On the Marriage Broker Joke... (Owen Land)
> Wide Angle Saxon (Owen Land)
> Remedial Reading Comprehension (Owen Land)
> Dialogues (Owen Land)
> -Mark T
> --- On Sun, 1/17/10, Kim Knowles <email suppressed> wrote:
>> From: Kim Knowles <email suppressed>
>> Subject: [FRAMEWORKS] Written texts in experimental film
>> To: email suppressed
>> Date: Sunday, January 17, 2010, 8:34 AM
>> Dear Frameworkers,
>> I'm doing some research into written text in
>> experimental film and wondered if anyone had any suggestions
>> of relevant works. The research is part of a project
>> exploring cognitive responses to hybrid works of art
>> combining text and image. I'm looking at films such as
>> Peter Rose's 'Secondary Currents', Michael
>> Snow's 'So Is This' and Hollis Frampton's
>> 'Zorns Lemma'. I'd really appreciate any ideas
>> on this, particularly in relation to contemporary practice.
>> Is anyone currently working in this area?
>> Many thanks!
>> Kim Knowles
>> We want to hear all your
>> funny, exciting and crazy Hotmail stories. Tell
>> us now
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>> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at
>> <email suppressed>.
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.