Re: sensory overload

From: Dicky (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Dec 04 2009 - 12:48:28 PST

I agree about Nate Boyce... his work is really excellent. He has a recent
video called Primary Retrograde Inversion that is particularly incredible.
And Stom Sogo's work is also very interesting, it's very heavily layered
video sourced from Super 8 film... it's extremely dense and very
beautiful... I have contact info for them both.

On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Jeanne LIOTTA <email suppressed> wrote:

> Brook beat me to it but I would like to second NATE BOYCE's work--that is
> of course if you include video when you say film ;)
> 'Sensory overload' makes me think of the 60's--expansive experiments of
> that time with multiple projections, rock bands etc. You know. Some great
> information on this era and radical makers in Douglas Davis' book 'Art and
> the Future'.
> I had a funny experience a few years ago when the USCO folks, Gerd STern
> etc, performed at Anthology Film Archives. They were known for their 60's
> happenings and art commune and multiple formats of simultaneous sound and
> image . And while their performance was charming and fascinating and curious
> in many ways, it was a far cry from sensory overload--which made me reflect
> on the difference between then and now, the speed of change in the
> mediascape and the relativity of what constitutes a bombardment of the
> senses.
> Though Tom's reference to The Nervous System is right on. Maybe flicker is
> always a sensory overload? Seems to still work.
> How about Stom Sogo's work, if anyone can find him?
> Jeanne 'back to the books' Liotta
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