Re: History of NY film and video venues

From: John Matturri (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Nov 16 2009 - 16:48:25 PST

Filmmakers's Cinematheque. I remember in a basement auditorium on 40th
(?) Street and at the Huntington Hartford museum in Columbus Circle, but
also they were in the Wooster Street space that was Anthology's second
incarnation. The black cublicles from the Kubelka Invisible Cinema for
the first incarnation of Anthology would be great to have, along with
the cushions they gave out if you couldn't see over the barrier in from
of you. In the late sixties there was The Bridge on St. Marks. Also on
St. Marks was the theater that showed New Wave films in the late
seventies and the eighties; can't think of the name. Robert Beck
Memorial Cinema is more recent. Not sure if you mentioned the several
incarnations of Millennium.


Fred Camper wrote:
> A movie theater called the 55th Street Playhouse, which was indeed on
> 55th Street, had a brief period in early 1964 of showing avant-garde
> films with one week runs. I saw "Twice a Man" there.
> The Astor Place Playhouse showed avant-garde films, I believe around
> 1965. I'm not sure who organized this; it might have been Jonas Mekas.
> There was also a period of screenings at the City Hall Cinema, likely
> organized by Mekas, where there was a complete Brakhage retrospective
> (perhaps the first ever?) in the mid-1960s.
> I don't even know if these places are physically extant today.
> Fred Camper
> Chicago
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.