Re: this is the only optical printer on eBay right now

From: Robert Houllahan (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Aug 06 2008 - 18:26:30 PDT

The guy selling it is really nice, I just bought a Pin-Reg 35mm
Contact printer from him for Cinelab, and I would have bought that
acme if we had not already bought another Producers/Acme from a
different LA guy.. Which means optical printing is available shortly
at cinealb and anybody who wants to use a top optical printer can do
so at our lab, come to Boston or Providence..... The guy selling the
acme/monceaux said that hollywood is no longer patient enough for
opticals... too bad for them..


Robert Houllahan
email suppressed
Filmmaker / Cinematographer
VP Cinelab Inc.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.