Re: How do you post to this group?

From: Steve Polta (email suppressed)
Date: Sun May 11 2008 - 11:18:32 PDT


One's own messages do not show up on the group. I
don't know why but it's not you. As far as I know,
that's the way it goes, although perhaps the list
owner could inform us of ways to change one's
settings. But I think that's just the way it goes.

all postings to this list are archived at
and it's pretty speedy, if you need to check yrself.

Steve Polta

--- Myron Ort <email suppressed> wrote:

> I hit "reply" in my email but nothing seems to show
> up on this list.
> I am baffled.
> Myron Ort
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at
> <email suppressed>.

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For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.