Re: Just quiet applause coming from this small corner of (ex) Smoke City

From: Pierce, Greg (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Apr 10 2008 - 09:11:51 PDT

So true.
Touche, Tom.
~ G. Thomas Pierce


From: Experimental Film Discussion List
[mailto:email suppressed] On Behalf Of Tom B Whiteside
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 11:53 AM
To: email suppressed
Subject: NOT Region 0 DVD's

Just an aside, one that will undoubtedly cause many to cringe and wail
and throw nasty things.......... I have noticed that the 16mm films I
have from Europe play quite well on my projector at home, even the ones
from the 1930's. What will DVD regional coding mean 70 years from now?
Ten years from now? Five?

        - Whiteside

Brook Hinton <email suppressed>
Sent by: Experimental Film Discussion List <email suppressed>

04/10/2008 11:19 AM
Please respond to
Experimental Film Discussion List <email suppressed>

email suppressed
Re: Region 0 DVD's


The convert/switch you refer to on computers is not about PAL/NTSC - its
about region coding. The region code in the drive can only be reset a
certain number of times before it is permanently locked to one of them.
Computers don't care about PAL/NTSC - they aren't locked to a particular
interlaced display rate or resolution. As a nice bonus, they don't
CONVERT PAL to NTSC either - you just watch the actual mpeg2 stream. On
the downside, if you are trying to watch a piece of
interlace-*dependent* video art, you will see something totally
different than the artist intended (this is a problem with projection

If you mostly watch DVDs via a computer, a cheapo external DVD drive or
two permanently set to an alternate region code may be worthwhile if you
plan to collect international offerings.


Brook Hinton
film/video/audio art <>
studio vlog/blog:

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