rally / petition vs NYC filming rules

From: flick harrison (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Jul 27 2007 - 08:20:51 PDT

FYI freedom lovers,


Begin forwarded message:

> From: email suppressed
> Date: July 27, 2007 2:25:35 AM PDT (CA)
> Subject: Digest Number 729
> Street Artist, New York City
> 1.
> rally and petition against new proposed photography rules against vi
> Posted by: "Robert Lederman" email suppressed robertlederman2001
> Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:39 pm (PST)
> Even if you can't attend this rally, please take a moment to sign
> the petition.
> I'm out of town but I just signed the petition and previously emailed
> my commments to the Mayor's Film office....
> Forwarded message:
> Please take action before August 3rd:
> 1) Click here to email comments <http://citizenspeak.org/node/1123>
> to the Mayor's Film Office and the City Council committee that
> oversees them.
> 2) Click here to sign a petition <http://www.pictureny.org/petition/
> index.php> .
> Hello my fellow film-making and film-loving friends:
> Please please please take a second to click here to sign a petition
> <http://www.pictureny.org/petition/index.php> regarding the rules
> recently proposed by the Mayor's Office of Film, Theater, and
> Broadcasting.
> Introduced quietly just before Memorial Day weekend, the regulations
> could severely impede the ability of even casual photographers and
> filmmakers to operate in New York City. A group of two or more people
> who want to use a camera in a single public location for more than a
> half hour (including setup and breakdown time) could be required to
> get a city permit and $1 million in liability insurance. According to
> the NY Civil Liberties Union, "these regulations violate the First
> Amendment right to photograph in public places, and open the door to
> selective and discriminatory enforcement."
> More information about the issue follows -- and details for the Free
> Speech Rally this Friday. It'll be fun. Be there!
> All the best,
> Astra
> Picture New York
> * * *
> Please join the Filmmaker/Photographer contingent at this Friday's
> First Amendment rally at Union Square. Recently proposed regulations
> seriously threaten the rights of photographers and filmmakers to
> operate in NYC, and they could go into effect as soon as this August.
> Other laws already restrict our rights to parade, dance, meet, bike,
> shout, and assemble.
> Join performance artists Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Gospel
> Choir, the Rude Mechanical Orchestra, Critical Mass bike riders, and
> Picture New York -- a new coalition of concerned filmmakers and
> photographers, for a festive and un-permitted celebration of the First
> Amendment.
> Friday, July 27, 6:30pm
> Union Square, north end
> Press Conference and Creative Rally
> Bring: marching bands, gospel choirs, props and signs, cameras,
> projections, bikes, YOU and YOUR FRIENDS, and the 44 sweet words of
> the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.
> Upload: photos and videos of the rally or of your First Amendment
> feelings to YouTube and Flickr and tag them "camerawars" and
> "pictureny". Send links to the Mayor's office at email suppressed
> <mailto:email suppressed
> <mailto:email suppressed> .
> Why now? Recently proposed regulations by the Mayor's Office of Film,
> Broadcasting, and Theater could severely restrict the ability of even
> casual photographers and filmmakers to operate in New York City. A
> group of two or more people who want to use a camera in a single
> public location for more than a half hour (including setup and
> breakdown time) could be required to get a city permit and $1 million
> in liability insurance. The public comment period has been extended
> to August 3rd, but the regulations could soon go into effect
> thereafter.
> Please take action before August 3rd:
> 1) Click here to email comments <http://citizenspeak.org/node/1123>
> to the Mayor's Film Office and the City Council committee that
> oversees them.
> 2) Upload videos and photos. Post your NY works or works about these
> rules on YouTube, tag them "PictureNewYork" and "CameraWars". Send
> links to email suppressed> and to
> email suppressed> .
> 3) Click here to sign a petition <http://www.pictureny.org/petition/
> index.php> .
> 4) Join the spectacle at Union Square on Friday at 6:30pm to add to
> the image of New Yorkers celebrating their rights to free speech and
> assembly.
> According to the NYCLU, "these regulations violate the First
> Amendment right to photograph in public places, and open the door to
> selective and discriminatory enforcement." And they are a part of a
> broader continuum of attacks on our rights, including laws and
> regulations regarding meeting, filming, shouting, biking, parading,
> and dancing which, taken together comprise a serious threat to our
> freedom as well as our ability to defend that freedom.
> At Union Square almost one month ago, before a Critical Mass bike
> ride, Reverend Billy was arrested for reciting the First Amendment.
> The charge? Harassment of the NYPD. The story ran in press outlets
> around the world. This headline-grabbing and constitutionally
> questionable arrest, and the recently proposed filming regulations,
> suggest that this is a perfect time to throw a party, First
> Amendment-style, for the press and the people of New York City..
> See you then!
> "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
> or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
> speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
> assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
> http://www.nydailynews.com/opinions/
> 2007/07/03/2007-07-03_lights_camera_inaction.html
> http://www.nysun.com/article/57680 <http://www.nysun.com/article/
> 57680>
> ------ End of Forwarded Message
> Meira Blaustein
> Co - Founder / Executive Director
> Woodstock Film Festival
> PO Box 1406, 86 Mill Hill Road
> Woodstock , NY. 12498
> t. 845 679-4265
> f. 509 479-5414
> e. email suppressed
> www.woodstockfilmfestival.com

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.