Since its foundation in 1961, the San Francisco Cinematheque
 has become one of the most knowledgeable and respected
showcases of experimental film and video in the world.
Striving to make these works a part of the larger cultural
 landscape, we carry out three main areas of activity:
  exhibition, publications, and education.

We represent 75 different programs every year, including:

in­person presentations

contemporary experiments in film and video

historical works from both the international
                                and American cinema

independent features and documentaries

develop film and video presentations for other
                    national and international showcases

The Cinematheque produces a wide range of film and 
                                      video publications:

          an anthology­style journal of
          writing and images

Program Notes Booklets 
          drawn from our exhibition series

          on individual artists

          a newsletter on the Cinematheque's activities
          and developments in the film and video field

To strengthen the understanding of the disciplines
                         of film and video art, we offer:

lectures and public forums 

residencies and retrospectives 

panel discussions 

archival services 

publications library 

advise visiting curators and critics on recent
                               developments in the field