Re: [Frameworks] Travelogues

From: Lyra Hill <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2011 11:53:21 -0600

Peter Kubelka's Unsere Afrikareise
Bruce Conner's Looking For Mushrooms
Lots of stuff by Robert Fulton (specifically, Path of Cessation, Starlight,
and Lesser Antilles)

I'm blanking on a lot more. The Experimental Film Society in Chicago did a
travelogue screening a couple years ago, some of these films were included
(but I can't remember the rest).

unsere afrikareise
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Adam R. Levine <> wrote:

> Hello you,
> I am trying to pull together a list of experimental films that either fall
> directly under the category of "travelogue" or bear witness to travel and
> distance from a point of origin on the part of the filmmaker. These would
> not be so much ethnographic works which are part of a sustained cultural
> exchange, but films made as a result of the filmmaker "passing through" and
> acknowledging the looming spectre/problem/pleasure of "the tourist film".
> Warren Sonbert, perhaps John Smith's "The Hotel Diaries"? I'm sure there
> are others...but can you name them?
> Thanks/Grazie/Kiitos!
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