Re: [Frameworks] Perfs

From: Myron Ort <>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 18:30:12 -0700

It was just a shot in the dark. I see your points. Thanks. I will go
back to plan A.

It has to do with using various found footage (A wind) in a montage
context involving double perf camera original B-wind. It won't be
the first time I have had to make back to back and belly to belly
I don't give a damn because there will also be painting on the back-
side in this zombie jamboree.

Myron Ort

On Oct 21, 2011, at 3:46 PM, Jeff Kreines wrote:

> Wouldn't it be easier to modify the device that requires double-
> perf film -- assume it is an optical printer or projector -- to
> accept single perf film? Far less traumatic to the film.?
> It would be difficult to design a reperforator because film shrinks
> at different rates, as does the size of the perforation.
> On Oct 21, 2011, at 4:53 PM, Myron Ort wrote:
>> Anyone know of an accessible tool, machine, or service whereby I can
>> add a set of perforations to 16mm single-perforated prints , thus
>> rendering them double-perforated ?
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