[Frameworks] Seattle animator/filmmaker seeks couches during tour in Europe

From: Tess Martin <tessmartin_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2011 11:04:34 -0700

Hello frameworks community!
My name is Tess Martin and I'm an animator based in Seattle. I posted a while back about needing a place to stay in NYC, when I was there with a program of experimental animated shorts from Seattle called 'Inter-Action'. I was delighted to receive a very nice offer for housing then, and it worked out great. I am writing again with the same need, for the same program. This time the tour is taking me to Amsterdam, Berlin and Paris. Actually, the tour is more extensive than that (read all about it here: http://www.filmandscissors.com/?p=1564) but those are the places where I am couch-less.
These are the dates:

Sun Oct 16th, Amsterdam
Wed Oct 19th, Thurs Oct 20th, Amsterdam
Friday Oct 21st, Saturday 22nd, Sunday 23rd, Berlin
Wed Oct 26th, Thurs Oct 27th, Fri Oct 28th, Sat Oct 29th, Paris

Any leads are much appreciated. It is so nice to meet filmmakers and share ideas on these trips. Of course I would be happy to contribute with dinner, a DVD of my latest film, and of course an open offer of my couch should anyone be visiting Seattle.
Please message me directly at tessmartin_at_hotmail.com.

INTER-ACTION: A collection of animated shorts by SEAT, Seattle Experimental Animation Team (includes PLAIN FACE):
Coming to Europe in October 2011!


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Received on Mon Oct 10 2011 - 11:04:40 CDT