[Frameworks] Chicago 8: A Small Gauge Film Festival

From: karen johannesen <johannesenkaren_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2011 23:52:12 -0500

Chicago 8 Presents!CHICAGO 8: A Small Gauge Film FestivalOCTOBER 21-23, 2011We are pleased to announce the first annual Chicago 8 Small Gauge FilmFestival to take place on October 21-23, 2011 in Chicago. We are afestival dedicated to exhibiting works by small gauge filmmakers onfilm! This festival has been created to celebrate Super 8 film, tooffer a unique and rare event for filmmakers to exhibit their work inits original format and for viewers to experience the joy and rarityof seeing S8 the way it was intended. The goal is to keep small gaugefilmmaking alive, to encourage further engagement and activity in thisformat and to bring these rare gems to the larger community. We wishto foster a continued interest in S8 as a viable, affordable, and auniquely personal way in which to explore image making. The artiststhat use this small gauge format today work with the knowledge of thespecial issues and hurdles that accompanies this gauge. Getting aprint made of your camera original is not an available option, forcingS8 filmmakers to screen their originals, to blow their small gauge upto another format entirely, or to exhibit in video. We intend tooffer a platform for those who bravely continue to work in small gauge formats.The festival has just launched a kickstarter campaign to help raiseoperational funds:http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1448656822/chicago-8-a-small-gauge-film-festivalThe festival's website offers additional information and an open callfor entries: http://chicago8fest.org/The opening night program will feature an exciting survey of Super 8film in Chicago. For additional information please contact: info_at_chicago8fest.org


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Received on Sat Jul 09 2011 - 21:52:21 CDT