Re: [Frameworks] 16mm leader question

From: andrew lennox <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2011 15:29:59 -0700 (PDT)

hey charles,

how much do you need? do you want 35 or 16? i've got some 35 i can spare if
you want to pay the shipping. alternatively, i've scratched into 35 mag stock.
you should be able to find that (in 16 as well) for free. i optically printed
the finished scratch film though.

From: charles chadwick <>
To: Experimental Film Discussion List <>
Sent: Tue, July 12, 2011 2:10:31 PM
Subject: [Frameworks] 16mm leader question

Ok, this is probably a really stupid question, but I'm interested in doing some
scratching on 16mm. I was going to go to the local camera shop and get some
black leader for this purpose, but I'm theorizing that most black leader isn't
light struck acetate anymore. Will what I buy from them, and they probably sell
what most standard suppliers sell now, will that be scratchable? I'm going to
get it at Adolph Gassers, specificity for San Francisco folks. Or I could order
something else from somewhere else, if anyone could guide me to the correct
place to order from. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


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Received on Thu Jul 14 2011 - 15:30:06 CDT