[Frameworks] Seeking US new media/video network resources for Video Vortex #07

From: Allison Holt <allison.holt_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2011 14:39:15 -0700

Howdy Frameworkers,

I've been invited to present my recent Fulbright research at Video Vortex (
http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/videovortex/7-yogyakarta-2), an
international symposium/mini-conference on video practice in Indonesia. VV
will be concurrent with cellsbutton#05 (
http://www.natural-fiber.com/cellsbutton/), an annual festival put on by new
media laboratory, House Of Natural Fiber. I'll also talk about US-based
film/video networks and new media coalitions, and I'm interested in those
Frameworks members consider important.

I'm thinking of Upgrade! International, the new center developing between
Light Industry/Triple Canopy/The Public School (NY, NY), Gray Area
Foundation For The Arts (SF, CA), Axiom Center for New and Experimental
Media/Boston CyberArts (MA), etc.

Video Vortex is a project by Institute of Network Cultures in Amsterdam that
focuses on digital and new media cultures, and it aims to map out the
explosion of video and video organizations in Indonesia. The conference
wishes to focus on the ground-up networks devoted to art and digital
culture, social activism and participatory media. It is organized by
Veronika Kusuma and David Teh, and will be held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia,
18-21 July 2011.

Thanks, good people!
A L L I S O N  H O L T

FrameWorks mailing list
Received on Tue Jul 12 2011 - 14:39:27 CDT