[Frameworks] Black Thorns in the Black Box

From: Bryan Wendorf <bryan.wendorf_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 18:38:31 -0500

Black Thorns in the Black Box

*A film screening curated by Amelia Ishmael and Bryan Wendorf*

*to occur in conjunction with “Black Thorns in the White Cube”*

*an exhibition of Black Metal inspired art*

Amelia Ishmael, curator of the gallery exhibition* *“Black Thorns in the
White Cube,” and Bryan Wendorf, co-founder and programmer of the Chicago
Underground Film Festival, invite you to submit works for consideration to
“Black Thorns in the Black Box,” a screening of Black Metal inspired films
to take place in conjunction with the “Black Thorns in the White Cube”

This screening will contribute to an international discourse currently
occurring in Black Metal theory that examines the innovations and
significance of contemporary Black Metal art, and offers an account of the
critical disruptions taking place as this historical Norwegian musical
subgenre transforms into a language of contemporary art. Practicing a
transmodality between sound and vision, and pushing the limits of
contemporary academic genres by definition, “Black Thorns in the Black Box”
will feature a mutual blackening of art and metal.

* *


Entries will be accepted through October 1, 2011.

Artists will be notified of decisions by December 15, 2011.

*To submit*

DVD and blu-ray discs should be mailed to:

Black Thorns In The Black Box

c/o Amelia Ishmael

PO Box 559

Chicago, IL 60690

Vimeo and other streaming links should be emailed to bryan.wendorf_at_gmail.com

Please be sure that all materials are clearly labeled with the title of the
work, creators name and contact information. Submission materials will not
be returned.

Questions regarding the film portion of the exhibition should be sent to
Bryan Wendorf bryan.wendorf_at_gmail.com

For questions regarding the art exhibition please contact Amelia Ishmael
mail_at_ameliaishmael.com <Amelia.ishmael_at_gmail.com>

*Exhibition Tour: **Film screening dates and exact locations to be

Paragraph Gallery, Kansas City, Missouri, January 20-March 3, 2012

Western Exhibitions, Chicago, Illinois, March 16-April 14, 2012

Bryan Wendorf
Programmer and Artistic Director
Chicago Underground Film Festival

FrameWorks mailing list
Received on Thu Jul 28 2011 - 16:38:46 CDT