Re: [Frameworks] fluorescent lights & aaton cameras?

From: John Woods <>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 18:18:42 -0700 (PDT)

>Inthe US I had a lot of flicker with an aaton ltr at 25, none with a ropey bolex at about 24, none with either in Europe A 10 second test will tell >you.  Well with HMI flicker in North America the rule of thumb is you can use any film speed that will divide evenly into 120. Based on the 60hz rate of electicity. So 24fps is a safe film speed and i think that rule should work with regular house florescents and that would be why a 25fps camera would not work in N.A. while being fine with European 50hz systems.

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Received on Wed Aug 03 2011 - 18:18:49 CDT