Re: [Frameworks] Quo Vadis Celluloid?

From: matt's frameworks address <>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2011 16:27:08 -0700

I don't think anyone is making an argument that video can or should replace
film, nor is anyone saying we don't need to preserve films such as Cat's
Cradle on film. to me that's a given- if anything about my post suggested
otherwise than i will try to be more clear.

i would also suggest that, shooting on film stocks available today, it would
be "TECHNICALLY impossible" to achieve all the effects in Cat's Cradle that
you mention. but i will agree with you 100% that digital effects to make
video look like film (i.e. grain filters) are silly and full of
contradiction. by no means am i suggesting that a few film-look filters
will ever replace celluloid.

if celluloid did go away, and we were only left with HD, would the
differences in "perception, experience, process..." that you mention make
you stop watching movies? stop making movies? this is a serious question
and i don't intend to sound snarky. film grain, flicker, and the like are
only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to things i look for and
appreciate in cinema. i agree that we are in danger of losing some great
works and great traditions, and applaud efforts to conserve them. but i
just don't understand the wholesale dismissal of all things video- i've
seen work that's changed my life on both film and "empty and lifeless" video
(i have seen a lot of crap on both formats as well).

i don't know. i am just far too excited about making movies to let some
giant corporation who could care less about my craft break my stride. film,
video, shadow puppets... what ever it takes.


On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 3:46 PM, Anna Biller <>wrote:

The more relevant question would be, how would CAT'S CRADLE look if SHOT on
> video? It seems clear to me that no such picture could ever be created on
> video, no many how many filters and special effects and film grain and
> what-not you added to it. Such a thing would be TECHNICALLY impossible. All
> of the effects that are achieved belong exclusively to film. Anyone who
> doubts this need only take a look at the film itself. Anyone who wants to
> can try to make an argument about how a similar effect could be achieved on
> video. But as others have pointed out, such effects are not organic to
> video, so it would be sort of a pointless experiment. When film disappears,
> images such as the ones we see in that film will also disappear. DIfferent
> people may have different levels of sadness or indifference or happiness or
> whatever about that. I personally consider it a HUGE loss. The fact that
> many or most won't even notice doesn't make it any less of a loss.


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Received on Mon Aug 22 2011 - 16:27:19 CDT