Re: [Frameworks] Facebook

From: Ken Bawcom <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 01:37:00 -0400

This is exactly why I didn't sign up on Facebook, I read the fine
print. Also it was recently revealed that they are storing all posted
photographic representations of people in a facial recognition database.

Ken B.

Quoting Jim Flannery <>:

> Sunday, June 12, 2011, 2:22:32 PM, one wrote:
>> It would be a nice way to share work we all make.
> If you don't mind handing Facebook the rights to your work in
> perpetuity, for free. Sometimes the small print is worth reading.
> --
> Jim Flannery
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Received on Sun Jun 12 2011 - 22:37:24 CDT