[Frameworks] Estate Films from a Filmmaker/Director...

From: <Webmaster_at_grandaccess.com>
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2011 18:51:18 -0400

One of the .edu websites I contacted today gave me your email contact

Hi, I have acquired some films from an estate, the late Filmmaker Phil Costa
Cummins (Died Nov 5th 2010 at age 60? In Johnson City, NY) and looking through
some of the notes and websites I ran across yours.... Searching one of the

One that stuck out at me in his collection was labeled Elizabeth Taylor (in the
Color of a thousand Passions) I cant find it anywhere on the web....

One that stuck out at me in his collection was labeled Elizabeth Taylor (in the
Color of a thousand Passions) I cant find it anywhere on the web....
I did find 8 or 10 other of the films listed on the web in different places but
some of them I didn't find anywhere. I may be able to get more if I try real

I didn't want to just drop all this stuff on ebay, unless that's the best place
for it?
And you don't normally find people that really appreciate stuff like this on
ebay that is why I first make an effort to find the best place to sell stuff
when I run across it......

Me Bob

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Received on Thu Jul 21 2011 - 18:15:32 CDT