Re: [Frameworks] 16mm Xenon projection suggestion please

From: David Tetzlaff <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 13:48:03 -0400

To elaborate my point: Screen brightness is determined by a combination of factors. A portable Xenon may be hard to come by, or expensive. And you have to figure in what lenses are available. The 50mm Eikis are 1.4 if I remember correctly. To the best of my recollection, the B+H 50mm is the only common f 1.2. (That's for the 'real' B+H wide-barrel, not the 3xxx series, which are just re-branded Eikis). But you should be able to get that B+H lens to fit in a Singer/Telex slot load, which can be lamped up to an ELC. I've seen an f1.2 for an Elmo, which could be shimmed up to fit into an Eiki, but good luck finding one...

Anyway, the point is, if what's possible are an expensive Xenon with an f1.6, and a cheap Tungsten with an ELC and a 1.2-1.4, I don't think the difference in brightness is worth the hassle.

> Aren't there plenty of portable xenons that take a full range of lenses?

Elmos are the only portable Xenons that are easy to find, but Elmo lenses are hard to find.

> On the B&H 1568 (not xenon, but the somewhat comparable Marc 300) I use an f/1.2 50"lens, same as I use on tungsten B&H's.

Sounds like a pretty ideal set-up. You're lucky to have it. Alas, I doubt you can just go out and obtain those kinds of things easily.

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Received on Fri Jul 15 2011 - 10:48:13 CDT