[Frameworks] 16mm cases in the Bay Area for FREE (and some for cheap)

From: Peter Conheim <monoloop_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2011 09:57:42 -0700

I have a bunch of used fiber cases for 1600' 16mm film shipping which hold three reels each. These are the square fiber type with buckles and straps attached to each one for secure shipping, and nice handles. VERY tough boxes. And I've got to get them out of here. These are FREE to the first person who makes an appointment to come and get some or all (there's about 35 of them in total).

And: I have a large stock of green plastic PlioMagic shipping cases for 16mm films, which hold 3 or 4 1600' reels each. They have excellent quality empty plastic 16mm reels inside. These are the tough plastic boxes with white reel locks on each corner to hold the lid down, and most have a foam insert in the lid for safe travel. Nice and sturdy boxes for shipping or storage, and they also stack very well. Cost is $3 a piece, and the price includes the reels inside. Located in the East Bay area, in El Cerrito. Please drop me a line if you want any... or all. I can ship the PlioMagic cases, but I would much prefer local pickup (and I won't ship the fiber cases... sorry). Thanks -

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Received on Sun Jul 17 2011 - 13:00:32 CDT