Re: [Frameworks] Optical Printer in Berlin/Contact Printer Building instuctions

From: Kiah Reading <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 17:08:37 +1000

I'm about to do some contact printing for the first time, would someone be
able to post some pros and cons to printing via hand-held light/rewinds on
table, and via a steenbeck (i have access to both methods)?

also, thanks for the description of how to print on the steenbeck, any
chance some diagrams could be posted?


On 19 June 2011 06:20, Jason Halprin <> wrote:

> If you can get your hands on it, there were some small, table top contact
> printers made. I'll take a look at mine on Monday, it looks like it's made
> for 100' loads, and has a single motor that engages 1 sprocketed gear, and
> has a chain that links to the two take-up reels. The feed side is free, and
> the film is simply pulled off of the reels by the sprocketed gear. There's a
> simple adjustment for image the light, and another for the sountrack
> exposure. That's it, no speed adjustment, no place for filters, but it works
> great! My students use it to make hi-con mattes and such, with great
> results. If I had to guess, I'd say it was manufactured in the 1950's. I'll
> post a photo, because I can't find anything online
> I've also liked Roger's method of a gang-synch, rewinds, and a pen light.
> One of my students used her iPhone with masking to create a slit of light,
> and adjusted her exposures by changing the distance from the film. Worked
> pretty well.
> -Jason Halprin
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