[Frameworks] Subject: Re: Film's rupture

From: John McAndrew <jj.mcandrew_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 23:01:33 +0100

Hello everyone, my first post here!

Speaking of mainstream films and their cross-over into experimental film
territory via the fourth wall breaking down, I wondered if anyone could help
me put a name and title to a work I once saw at an exhibition in 2007? The
work was a compilation of filmic disruptions (from celluloid burns, to
frames misaligning/cartoon characters walking off the film, to characters
being self-aware of the camera and so on) taken from many of the mainstream
films that have already been mentioned. It was included in the exhibition
'That's Not Entertainment!' at the Centre de Cultura Contemporania de
Barcelona, or CCCB - there's more info about the show here:
http://www.cccb.org/en/exposicio-that_s_not_entertainment-10490. I never
took note of the work's title or who even made it (perhaps the curators
did?) but it's been bugging me ever since I saw it and I can't find any info
about it anywhere. Hopefully someone on this list knows the answer...


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Received on Mon Apr 18 2011 - 15:02:05 CDT