[Frameworks] Upcoming UnionDocs event 4/10-Vanessa Renwick: The Oregon Department of Kick Ass

From: UnionDocs Program <program_at_uniondocs.org>
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2011 13:43:55 -0400

UnionDocs <http://www.uniondocs.org/> is screening a series of great films
by filmmaker Vanessa Renwick on Sunday, April 10th.
"The Oregon Department of Kickass” is an eclectic sampling of her very best
work, spanning over twenty years and in almost every moving image medium
there is. It will be fast and aggressive, and also slow and contemplative.
It will be achingly beautiful and horrifically ugly. Without fail, however,
it will be seriously intense, hard to pin down, and harder to forget. For
more information please check out the event page on our

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Received on Fri Apr 08 2011 - 10:44:33 CDT