Re: [Frameworks] Beaullieau

From: Bernd Luetzeler <>
Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2011 09:32:41 +0530

Wittner in Hamburg has all that stuff, unfortunately the website is not in english, I guess you would have to write them an email:
I had the same camera some 15 years ago, and at that time I had built an external battery myself. I had modified an old expired battery as an adaptor to connect the cable with the battery port. Pretty much the same design as "SET Externer Akku 2,0 Ah ENELOOP + Ladegerät" and "Akku-Dummy / Kontaktblock 4008", but much cheaper. Requires soldering skills though... Anyways that camera had tons of other problems and at one point I just sold it off with all these DIY gears.

On 09.04.2011, at 08:33, eric stewart wrote:

> I am looking for a battery for the Beaulieu 4008 zm II super 8 camera. I'm wondering if anyone on this list has knows where to find a replacement battery. Or knows of an alternative way of powering it? Any experience or advice in this are would be greatly appreciated.
> -Eric Stewart
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