[Frameworks] technical erudition

From: Kevin Timmins <on-one-2_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 19:26:20 +0000

Hi folks
I'm experiencing a few set backs with my super 8 equipment, particularly my Nizo camera and my eumig projector. I love fixing things generally and wondered if anybody could suggest any courses, book, general reading that might help me on the mechanical side of my medium. I would quite like to get myself into a position where I undestand and can amend any internal malfunctions that might happen with my camera or projector (and any future equipment). I don't believe in throwing money at things and generally have learnt a lot in life from fixing things myself (whether it be my old bedford van, or my computer).
Any info to aid me with the discovery of my medium would be much appreciated. Even if the suggestions are buying books like "Electronics for Dummies". It's an area I know very little about so basics are essential.

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Received on Mon Feb 28 2011 - 11:26:32 CST