Re: [Frameworks] Voice Processing Sotware/Plug-In/?

From: kevin arrow (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Feb 17 2011 - 03:36:53 PST

Hi Andrew:

A trusted source tells me "Soundtrack does have pretty good very easy to use
tools. but, it can sound over processed if you are heavy handed. You must
use the right tools and have a light touch. for freeware you might try

I trust you are well. Greetings from MOCA in Miami.

Kevin Arrow

On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 4:32 PM, andrew lampert <email suppressed>wrote:

> Hey Folks,
> Can anyone recommend a hopefully free program good for voice processing
> that I can use in Final Cut? I played around with this sort of thing in
> Soundtrack Pro and don't know if the results are as good as they could be
> using a software more designed for such a purpose. Any tips?
> Thanks,
> A.
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