Re: [Frameworks] Drama films and the Avant-Garde

From: C Keefer (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Jan 25 2011 - 11:06:41 PST

Hi Al,
This may be borderline, depending on your definitions -

Solaris (the 2002 remake) with Richard Baily's gorgeous, ethereal, abstracted moving light sequences.

Baily wrote, "if y'all have not seen Soderbergh's Solaris remake, i urge you to rent a copy of it and spend some time with it. i have about 40 shots in there which are the most majestically LSD thing i have ever seen in the cinema." (from a post on CVM discussion list)

Baily loved and was influenced by Jordan Belson's work, and his work on Solaris was indeed a tribute to Belson's work on The Right Stuff years earlier (both portray the spectacular atmosphere of 'outer space' seen through the windows of a spaceship).

Baily did abstract and avant-garde VFX sequences for other features as well, including Stay (2005).

Baily tribute site,

best regards,
Cindy Keefer
Center for Visual Music

>From: alrees <email suppressed>
>To: Experimental Film Discussion List <email suppressed>
>Sent: Tue, 25 January, 2011 10:17:31
>Subject: [Frameworks] Drama films and the Avant-Garde
>Dear Frameworkers,
>Can anyone suggest any drama/fiction/narrative films, from the last ten
>years or so, that include 'avant-garde' sequences, references, tricks and
>tropes? I'm looking for examples from both mainstream and arthouse
>contemporary cinema movies that have avant-garde devices of any kind -
>flicker, camerawork, blur, rapid cuts, flare-out, anything like that. All
>suggestions will be gratefully received!
>Al Rees
FrameWorks mailing list
email suppressed