Re: [Frameworks] Drama films and the Avant-Garde

From: Michael Wilkerson (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Jan 25 2011 - 06:25:12 PST

Punch Drunk Love has those abstract sequences by Jeremy Blake.

2011/1/25 Dinorah de Jesús Rodriguez <email suppressed>

> Peter Greenaway's *The Pillow Book*, not sure if it is less than 10 years
> old
> there are many others, and i'm sure you'll get lots of responses. this one
> just flew off the top of my head.
> enjoy today...
> Dinorah de Jesús Rodríguez
> Multimedia Artist
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> On Jan 25, 2011, at 5:17 AM, alrees wrote:
> Dear Frameworkers,
> Can anyone suggest any drama/fiction/narrative films, from the last ten
> years or so, that include 'avant-garde' sequences, references, tricks and
> tropes? I'm looking for examples from both mainstream and arthouse
> contemporary cinema movies that have avant-garde devices of any kind -
> flicker, camerawork, blur, rapid cuts, flare-out, anything like that. All
> suggestions will be gratefully received!
> Al Rees
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