Re: [Frameworks] Drama films and the Avant-Garde

From: Jonathan Thomas (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Jan 25 2011 - 02:31:32 PST

While not a film drama, if you were interested in expanding to include TV drama, I show the title sequence of 'True Blood' in my avant garde class as an example of mainstream appropriation of experimental techniques. In 90 secs, it includes pretty much everything you mentioned, along with numerous references to the materiality of the filmstrip. ________________________________ From: alrees <email suppressed> To: Experimental Film Discussion List <email suppressed> Sent: Tue, 25 January, 2011 10:17:31 Subject: [Frameworks] Drama films and the Avant-Garde Dear Frameworkers, Can anyone suggest any drama/fiction/narrative films, from the last ten years or so, that include 'avant-garde' sequences, references, tricks and tropes? I'm looking for examples from both mainstream and arthouse contemporary cinema movies that have avant-garde devices of any kind - flicker, camerawork, blur, rapid cuts, flare-out, anything like that. All suggestions will be gratefully received! Al Rees FrameWorks mailing list email suppressed _______________________________________________ FrameWorks mailing list email suppressed

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