Re: [Frameworks] researching

From: jeanne LIOTTA (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Jan 21 2011 - 12:44:47 PST

Once again thanks for all suggestions Frameworkers--you are my other brain.

John Matturi's fascinating mention of mirror neurons reminded me of this
article in Leonardo written by Thom Zummer on same, soon after this theory
was first being discussed, link here for interested parties


On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 10:38 AM, jeanne LIOTTA <email suppressed> wrote:

> Yes actaully he started with an image of Invisible Cinema! Very interesting
> suggestions JOhn, thank you!!
> And Jason!
> On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 6:33 AM, John Matturri <email suppressed>wrote:
>> Can't think of any specifically cinematic text, but I suspect that there
>> may be something that could be done here with mirror-neuron based simulation
>> approaches to empathy. The (speculative) idea would be that the audience
>> gets mutually in tune with each other through common responses to what's on
>> screen. And whatever else may be going on that is the basis of the sense
>> that one has of a surrounding audience. (Kubelka's original Invisible Cinema
>> Anthology Film Archive theater would have been a great place to do
>> comparative research on this.) Vittorio Galesse's writings would be a good
>> place to start looking.
>> j
>> On 1/20/11 1:35 AM, jeanne LIOTTA wrote:
>> Thank you for asking Maik--yes I am speaking specifically of *the
>> affective experience of communal spectatorship in the cinema*--not so much
>> sensuality /the gaze /touch etc. and teh texts thereof, which we are aware
>> of.
>> The Sobchack and Deleuze on the table now! but several other texts
>> mentioned here seem useful, thanks to all.
>> J.
>> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 8:27 PM, Maik Kleinschmidt <
>> email suppressed> wrote:
>>> Physiological as in a sensual, bodily or affective experience of
>>> cinema?
>>> From my own research I would recommend looking at the following (in
>>> addition to what's been suggested in earlier posts):
>>> Cinema and Sensation: French film and the art of transgression -
>>> Martine Beugnet
>>> On cinematic mimesis in Agnes Varda's The Gleaners and I:
>>> 'The Poetics of a Potato: Documentary that Gets Under the Skin’, Metro
>>> 137, 126-131 - Anne Rutherford
>>> Le Corps concret: Of Bodily and Filmic Material Excess in. Philippe
>>> Grandrieux's Cinema<> -
>>> Greg Hainge
>>> Aside from Vivian Sobchack's work, Steven Shaviro's Cinematic Body is
>>> often referenced in this context, although he himself now seems to
>>> regard <> it as
>>> 'speculative'.
>>> This is on visual art, but I found that many things addressed in here
>>> apply to moving image just as well:
>>> Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation - G. Deleuze (found it much more
>>> approachable than his texts on the cinema, not least because it is
>>> comparatively compact)
>>> Lacan's theory of the Real might also be worth looking at in this
>>> regard, depending on the scope of the research.
>>> Maik
>>> On 19 Jan 2011, at 22:33, jeanne LIOTTA wrote:
>>> Hello FW'ers
>>> I am advising a student who is doing research on the relationship on the
>>> cinematic experience to the physiological--any advice on texts to offer ?
>>> --
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