[Frameworks] Fwd: iotaCenter call for entries

From: Paul Shepherd (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Jan 19 2011 - 17:53:32 PST

The iotaSalon: "Exteriors"
Place: TBD
Date: February 2011 (specific day TBD)

In our first Salon<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wtx5tpbab&et=1104257818427&s=2390&e=001njjvW79opK6We4wmO8fEJSb9n53T3Amle82HWOXKoN4RMddjqBlh1wxXBlky3PWOtCq7q8TOMDlUXTVaD9ei50xJPDPLQk2Zvao97cDMOGPk6aEcKKg7vHLb88Mg8lS8ec7AK-Uu1L1MgOZW3uGLxaqvXyWXY7MK>and
public exhibition of the year we are looking to include your
masterpieces that evoke the mind of the external world.
Garden, vegetation, growth, earth, water, dirt, wind. A loose
interpretation of these terms are the only expectation in order to fit into
the vial of "abstract" and "experimental" imagery.

Please submit<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wtx5tpbab&et=1104257818427&s=2390&e=001njjvW79opK7qa7tXqwqPGSZ9E3gwQ6ctmtdkBbsD8L5BcBsQyVmgs2OMRY0gjxSUx_Fj1Uok8Aa0xqrFHNYiAW9O4LDitmUiB5nlNtAXUCVZ58lc2cY44mRtmvVohTzX>now
and keep your ear open for when and where the Salon will take place.

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