Re: Introduction and a question

From: lj frezza (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Apr 01 2010 - 14:00:00 PDT

well, there's a great book called "recipes for disaster" with a section on
cameraless animation.
i've tried it out (not really my thing, though) and just using india ink on
clear leader works just fine for me - is that the sort of thing you're
thinking about?

On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 1:00 PM, pete mcpartlan <email suppressed>wrote:

> Hello Frameworks people,
> I'm an artist based in Nottingham in the UK working mostly with video and
> drawing, I'm new to the list, thought I'd say "hello". Hello.
> Also I'm in need of a little help. For a while now I've been making these
> long drawings - as a deliberate reference to film, making reels of receipt
> paper drawings etc. (See drawIslands() and Long Drawings on my website
> (below)) Anyway, I've decided I really want to start working with ink on
> film and I'm a bit lost, I found a nice pamphlet by Norman McLaren about
> setting up a rig to work with cameraless animation, which has given me a lot
> of food for thought. I know from the type of drawings I do that I want to
> work with 35mm. But when it comes to the actual material - no matter how
> much I stare at the various suppliers lists of different types of leader I
> don't seem to get anywhere. And I don't want to commit a load of
> (non-existent) money to something that might not work.
> Is there anyone out there that might be able to give me some advice on
> where to start, books or sites that might help? Or better yet someone who
> works in a similar way that would let me either visit their studio or would
> be up for having a chat. Or advice on places that might give me a few feet
> of off-cuts to test things out? - I just want to be able to play around but
> have hit a bit of a wall.
> Thanks,
> Pete
> --
> Pete McPartlan
> +44(0)7729448006
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.